An Introduction to Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation

Abstrak: Concept mapping merupakan jenis konseptualisasi terstruktur yang dapat digunakian oleh kelompok untuk mengembangkan kerangka konsep yang dapat mengarahkan pada proses evaluasi dan perencanaan. Concept mapping ini terdiri dari 6 langkah: 1) Persiapan (termasuk pemilihan peserta dan pengembangan fokus konseptualisasi); 2) Membuat tujuan; 3) Menyusun tujuan; 4) Memaparkan tujuan-tujuan dalam bentuk peta konsep; 5) Interpretasi peta konsep, dan 6) Menggunanakan peta-peta konsep.
Concept mapping is a type of structured conceptualization which can be used by groups to develop a conceptual framework which can guide evaluation or planning. In the typical case, six steps are involved: 1) Preparation (including selection of participants and development of focus for the conceptualization); 2) the Generation of statements; 3) the Structuring of statements; 4) the Representation of Statements in the form of a concept map (using multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis); 5) the Interpretation of maps; and, 6) the Utilization of Maps. Concept mapping encourages the group to stay on task; results relatively quickly in an interpretable conceptual framework; expresses this framework entirely in the language of the participants; yields a graphic or pictorial product which simultaneously shows all major ideas and their interrelationships; often improves group or organizational cohesiveness and morale. This paper describes each step in the process, considers major methodological issues and problems, and discusses computer programs which can be used to accomplish the process. Further info click download or call RIELTRANSLATION for translation.