Organisasi Jasa Pindahan Indonesia

Seperti organisasi profesi, gabungan perusahaan atau asosiasi perusahaan jasa pindahan sudah layaknya untuk dibentuk. Sebagai contoh, di Amerika ada American Moving and Storage Companies atau di Kanada ada Canadian Association of Movers, dan untuk skala Internasional ada International Association of Movers.
Organisai jasa pindahan ini semakin mendesak untuk didirikan. Organisasi inilah yang berfungsi sebagai penyambung lidah ke pemerintah atau pembinaan serta pengembangan bisnis jasa pindahan di Indonesia.
Mari kita lihat beberapa sasaran dari Asosiasi Jasa Pindahan tersebut di atas.

Sasaran Asosiasi CAM

Government and Political Affairs. To monitor and influence governmental public policies at the federal and provincial levels that affect the unique interests of CAM members.
Membership Development. To build and maintain a strong base of new and renewed members in all categories through systematic marketing and increased participation of volunteer leaders.
Volunteer Participation and Recognition. To increase the number of owner-managed movers that have active involvement in leadership roles within the Association, and to give greater recognition to all volunteers for their service.
Van Lines. To work in harmony and in confidence with van lines in Canada in order to gather statistical information that will allow the Association to effectively represent the household-goods moving industry to federal and provincial governments and the general public.
Public Affairs and Publications. To offer timely information on trends and issues in the industry through innovative public presentations, regular publications, topical manuals and special reports.
Research and Development. To promote, through the acquisition of grants, special research projects that advance the interests of members and strengthen their capacity to render high-quality services.
Education and Training. To enhance the professional expertise and operational competency of owner-managed movers through timely information, innovative seminars, training manuals, certification programs and other continuing education programs, including the moving consultants’ course.
Professional Ethics and Standards. To foster high standards of ethical conduct within the Association, among members and throughout the industry. To develop a method of communicating our standards and methods to our customers.
Organizational Competency. To maintain an organizational structure that is well managed, by having a competent professional staff, and being fiscally sound and responsive to the expectations of all members.
Organizational Relationships. To enhance cooperative relationships and joint-venture programs and activities with other associations, particularly the American Moving & Storage Association (AMSA).

Untuk di Indonesia, para pelaku bisnis jasa pindahan bisa menyesuaikan tujuan-tujuannya berdasarkan perkembangan bisnis jasa pindahan dan masukan dari setiap anggota perusahaan di asosiasi tersebut.
Yang paling mendesak untuk disepakati adalah perlindungan terhadap pengguna jasa pindahan. Sekarang ini jika pengguna jasa tidak puas atau bahkan dirugikan oleh suatu movers, kemanakah mereka akan menyampaikan keluhannya tersebut?
Semoga segera terbentuk Asosiasi Jasa Pindahan Indonesia.